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Give a Subscription

from $22.00

Give a gift that lasts all year long! A subscription to Mules and More is the perfect gift for your long-eared loving friend or family member.

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For print subscriptions, type the name and mailing address of the gift recipient in the box after you click “add to cart.”

We now offer a new option to begin your gift subscription with the current issue. Select “US - One Year Print Beginning with April 2024” to give a 12-month/1 year gift subscription beginning with the April issue. If this option is selected, and you chose to have a card sent, we will include them in the same envelope.

All other gift subscription options will begin with the May 2024 issue.

For digital subscriptions, type the email address in the box after you click “add to cart.” Remember - if you purchase a $22 Digital Gift Subscription, a physical copy of the magazine will not be mailed to them. They will receive a link each month they can follow to view the magazine on their device, tablet or computer.

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